(Return) Applications

Range of software I have developed in the past.

University Dissertation [2023] (Source Android) (Source React) (APK)
Project Title: Android Encryption Assistant (AEA)

* Encrypting: File content, File name, Folder name

Diary App for Diabetes Type 1 [2022] (Source)
A team university project in which a diary app is developed for individuals with diabetes type 1. The application assists individuals in their day to day as they can easily track doses and activities on their mobile device.
- Build with React Native.

Application Screenshot 1 Application Screenshot 2 Application Screenshot 3 Application Screenshot 4

Discord Bot [2021] (Source)
A discord bot written in TypeScript to be run with Node. I have not run it since 2021, so it is possibly broken, but updating it should not be a hassle as the Discord package should not change as ofter... I think...

Python Terminal File Editor [2019] (Source)
Back in the day when I learned Python, I always wanted to have an editor. that I saw Linux users use. Now I know they were Vim and Nano, but at the time I did not. Knowing this, I wanted to remake them with Python. This was my attempt at this.

File Editor Showcase Screenshot

Code Archive [2018-2020] (Source)
Anything I did during my GCSE's and a bit afterwards can be found here. Not all, of course, because most of it got lost in between system resets and USB wipes...